Me or what? Pisces The urge to travel to expand your horizons and life experiences may call you today. So if you are able to why not book yourself a trip or plan that trip of a lifetime. Indeed there may even be love waiting for you there too. This is a great day to join in new activities or go places you've never been before too. Others will be interested in your liveliness and unique sense of style too. If it interests you, learning a bit more about astrology could prove very enlightening
Lazy days
Thanks for the photo Yankee, hanging out on ´The Yankee´s balcony
Coming back from the beach, American Jeff stepped off the road and took a picture of a hot chick on a mope head carrying some guy on the back, i was expecting some shouting, or nasty looks, in the photo, the guy on the back seemed to think it was funny too, funny.
The crew i went to the beach ordered a last beer and i fell asleep in the sun, i woke up 40 min later, the waitress had forgotten the beer and was just bringing it, so i was thinking, do i have another highly evolved , maybe a 'Beer sense'? Am i highly evolved? If so what is the next step on the evolution ladder?
Change is a big thing here, and it's not something you can believe in, especially if it is forged! A 100 peso note is useless
here ($30), no one will give you change, you might as well swap it for 10 pesos, as John McCain, Republican hopeful would say
'That's not change we can believe in'.
Too right John.
DJ Margaritaville i have been informed has now been deleted from an mp3 player in Canada, i have put it on a competer in Argentina, and i am currently listening to it in 30 degree heat, maybe it's just not a Canadian thing?
When you have people with stronger personalities, they will always have an influence over you.
Camping was canceled due to rain on the island, when we hard about the rain, it started raining heard.
When it started raining, i went inside, logical, everybody else went outside and watched the rain like it was the world cup, when the sun started coming out, they all went back inside and i went outside, it was such a novelty for them, just like Ireland.
In the old country Winter has moved to Summer, we just need to swap the seasons and months around, this is my solution to global warming, you could have a month that actually means, it will rain for 50 days out of 60 and there will be a river coming in your front door and everything under 5 feet will have water damage, , good eh?
Went to the supermarket to get some food, so off i went, i got Quiche and went to pay, then i saw it was over 8 pesos, so i put it in one of the open fridges, couldn't find any sandwiches, so i settled on the drink and queued up, then i realized my notebook was missing.
So i go around asking people while retracing my steps, since some people are used to hearing some Spanish words in their own accent (this is true for all over the world, just take a trip to Cork and asking directions) i was getting nowhere, i have a new respect for people that struggle to make themselves understood in English or any other language, it's not the only language, and it's English from England not American, Americans should have to learn a native American language in schools, but that's another story.....
Words of wisdom in the Apartment I ended up going back to the apartment and telling people that i should not go out without holding someones hand, preferably an adult, Diane will be here next week, maybe she will hold my hand, it's for my own good!
BBQ or as the locals say Asado
One of my 'Pet hates' is losing stuff, good job my head is stuck on with some of the best superglue money can buy....i hope?
Daze of unholy living and half dying, sounds familiar? It could be all the past if things go the way i hope they might go. I think and i've thunk, thunk a lot, thanks a lot.
But what else would a normal guy do, self confessed one whole half bisexual do, with time on my side?
The next page of my notes starts
Lazy daze in Rozario...
, see what i mean?
The Americans, Jeff and Mark as lazy as myself, with no urgency in moving and no plans to either.
Meself and Palmer
This is supposed to be traveling, and one of us wants to.
Dians is coming down on Wednesday, not this Wednesday, next one. It could have been strange waiting and waiting.
But everything is going to be ok, if not someones face will be smashed into jelly and i'm thinking it wont be a vegetarian option, all you can eat?
Looking forward to going back to BA and to see the Japanese gardens, took lots of pics before of the Coi fish, then lost it.
Diana now will be on the job, she's better anyway, Diana gets another point there, she's got more points than Kerry got in the Football final!!