Wednesday, 31 August 2011

This guy always brings a smile to my face

Photos are the Crazy German and myself

So i get a message from Olaf, i met him in the Galapagos, many years ago, i always love reading his mails, this is the last one
hello grazy guy,what is happed with you?you doing sport!!!!!!!!same is wrong!but this is good!take care and very importen is to enjoy the sport!!!!!!!the germanyguy olafps. i am not sure yet but mabay i will travel next year to australien!!!!!!! 

I was telling Joanna and i replied with this message, Joanna wrote some, i told her what to write for the German part
Hey Olaf, yea crazy German. I'm hanging out with another German, she has boobs, much better i think, to prove it, i will get her to write something. es gibt 3 Millionen Deutsche in Australien und aus all diesen Leuten musste ich ausgerechnet diesen Kerl kennenlernen. Was habe ich bloss falsch gemacht? Womit habe ich diese Scheisse verdient???? See Olaf, i think she loves me, what do you think? :) 
The German part translates to
there are 3 million German in Australia and all these people I just had to get to know this guy. What did I do wrong? What have I done to deserve this shit??

Olaf replied with..
hello ,it is nice to hear from you.i dont know what is happed with you,but now you make a lot of running,i cant belief this but it is a good idear!i knwo you like a crazy boy but i think the germanygirl change you life.or you now older and more wise?or the germanygirl is crazy like know poco loco is good but to much is....on the 18.of sep. i like to runn my first and last marathon.but this is a very hard thing!on the 4.of okt. i travel to afrika antill next year on still travel?take care and enjoy the time with the nice germanygirlfriend.the germanyguy olafps. mabay i will travel next year to australien!!!!!then i like to meet you and off course the girlfriend 
He is a legend!!!

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Karaoke is King

Is it Madonna or Lady Ga Ga?

She speaks many lingos

I sang David Bowie's China girl (very badly) for this China girl

Mobbed by students, the singing gets better the more you drink too!

Fraiser Island (Part 2)

That island, what's it called again?

I got no worries...mate

What do you want, what do you need?

Let me explain one thing...

Lake Mc Kenzie

Friday, 19 August 2011

Fraiser Island is an island and i went there

So, a guy called Chris posted a message saying he wanted to go to Fraiser Island, it's one of the things your supposed to see and do, when you 'Do Australia', all i had to do was meet him at the train station, and i did.

Here's what went down.

I met Chris, the evening before, originally i was supposed to meet him at 6.15am at some train station, since i'm still a bit 'dicey' in my head as to how trains work here in Brisbane, i opted to sleep on the Chris couch for the night and jump in the car the next day. That was my strategy, and it worked.

The next character to enter the story, is Jill, the token American that considers herself an 'Aussie', fair enough.

Was Ned there too?

In America you can live 23 years in New Jersey and move to San Diego for 3 years and consider yourself from 'New Jersey', Canada too, oh how it makes me laugh!

The car was loaded with all essential items, and there was only 3 of us, it was like we were going to the moon, since i didn't bother finding out what was 'actually' involved in going, who was i to argue?

We picked up 2 other's at some train station, one chick from Singapore, Yvonne and Matt from France, and they were bang on time.

Matt had been out the night before and didn't get any sleep, he slept on the way, hardcore!

Maheno wreck

It's a Queenslander thing
I remember someone telling me years ago about somewhere in Queensland when they go camping, they pull up in the beaches and every camp has a XXXX flag (beer company in Queensland)

At one point, i had a realisation and i was like
 'Oh, it must of been here they were on about' 
So, before we got there, there were beers to be drank and i was on the job, and there is 120kms of beach on either side of the island and i got on that too, i think i need a bit of balance i my life and running on the beach did the trick.

The toilet was 1.5 kms away, it was a good way to exercise, run to the toilet, by the time i got there i definitely needed to go.

Home sweet home

The friends of Chis seemed to bring everything, including the sink, they had their own hot showers, what's the point of going camping to have all the conveniences of home?

Not my thing, you know you've been camping when turning to the light to go to the toilet is a marvellous thing, and it is, it's just that i forget it sometimes

Like it says

Well to cut a long story short, the beach is considered a highway, cops use breathalyser's and the locals are getting into the beer at 7am.

Another thing they are doing is fishing, you'll see 2 guys in a jeep, with 8 rods strapped to the outside of the jeep.

Another thing, it seems like the same way women have fashion, the men have their 4 wheel drives, it one big 4 wheel drive fashion show, everyone is checking out each other's cars.

Only 4 wheel drives are allowed on the Island, real men, drinking beer and fishin', it's quite a sight, no poofters, no cocktails, purple velvet clothes, thank you very much.

Just macho men like this....but not that

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Do you believe?

So last night i watched a video by Simon Sinek on, it was about inspiring people and it was quite interesting.

Who ever he is, he seems to be an interesting fellow.

Some of the main points included:
People do business that believe what you believe
To successfully communicate, you communicate from the inside out, as in you communicate with their
A, Limbic level i.e feelings, trust loyalty, then you communicate with their (Why? then How?)
B, Homo sapian level i.e. rational thought  (What?)
Communicating from the inside out i,e gut feelings
The part of the brain that controls decision making, is separate from the language (homo sapian) part of the brain
He gave an example of the Apple computer marketing strategy for that one. 
If you talk about what you believe, you will attract people that believe what you believe
'When you tune into what people believe, they will make an effort in Causes, not for you, but for themselves'
He gave an example of Martin Luther king example for this one, people were interested in the movement, he was just the voice, people believed in the movement, it was bigger than him

It was quite interesting how he gave an example of the Wright Brothers first flight versus some other guy that had too much money and resources, that only wanted fame and fortune from being able to fly.

When he heard of the Wright brothers flight, he quit and gave up, the difference, he wanted fame and fortune, the Wright brothers BELIEVED flying would change the world.

Have a look for yourself

Winter time in Brisbane, how bad?

So, i have been in Brisbane for about 5 weeks, i've been pretty slack about blog posts, but that is about to change.

I am on it, but check out these little videos i took, the words are on the way!!

I went to the beach

Life that is wild, totally

A religious moment?

Thursday, 11 August 2011

I got a cheap ticket to Splendour in the grass and here's what i can remember...

So there was this big festival on, not that far from where i am, since i missed out on the Roskilder festival this year, and had to sell my ticket cheap to some one in Denmark, my brain got to thinking......

Hmmm, i wonder if someone cant go, maybe they will sell me their ticket, chirpy, chirp, cheap, cheep?

So anyways i looked on, there were people bidding, i didn't have the time, so i looked on and i saw some guy in the West End here in Brisbane had an ad, which was something like
I have $250 cash for you here in the West End, if you want to sell me your ticket ...
So i copied it, changed the name, number, location and reposted it

Some guy in Western Australia couldn't go, so i got his ticket for $250, full price was $530, deal!


So, i saw on couch surfing, some guy wanted to go early, the festival started on Friday, the camping ground opened on Friday, so i thought to myself, no point hanging around here, it could be Confest all over again, so off i went.

I got the train to the end of the line, to Cooluture and i thought i'd wing it, since i wasn't the only one going, it would be obvious.

I walked around the town, looking for signs of festival people and then i saw some chicks in a park with bags, so i made friends, they ordered a taxi, the taxi would be there in 3 hours, all i had to do was wait

I remember watching this...from a safe distance

 So we waited, taxi came, we got in and drove, for much longer than i thought, about 40 min, it was much longer than i thought, but then again, i didn't bother doing any research, so what was i expecting at all?

I didn't see DJ Shadow

There was a rumour's that Jay Z was after flying in, from many sources, and all i got was Kanye West, the bogans loved him, he did his job i guess, his dancers were amazing, they reminded me of 'The rocketts' in New York

The Rocketts (without Kanye)

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