So, i thought i'd free style this, for the purposes of remembering it, one fine day, maybe a summers day?
So, about 2 months ago i found a douvet, blanket and christmas cards about 50 cards to be more or less specific.
So, yesterday we were going out to a wharehouse party, so i though i'd take about half and give them to people, i wrote something differnt in each one, it kept me busy like a beaver for a while.
Then i did my
'Choose a card, any card'people were grabbing them, it was a sight to see!!
Now what really struck me about the whole deal, that wasn't quite too obvious to me before, is people love getting cards, Christmas, post cards, birthday cards, business cards?
Tradition out the window, or a window with a really good view?
For me it was a bit of fun, nothing serious, but it has a serious change in peoples attitude.
I remember getting birthday cards growing up and all i did was chuck them, after checking them to see if there was any $$$ in them.
Last night i even gave one to a Jewish chick, i think it made her Christmas, since i haven't been writing for a while, i have been busy, i found it no preoblem doing it and i remember Tom Robbins saying
'Creative people never get writers block'And as the night was getting on, i was running out of cards.
It was surreal, maybe i'll get more? It's definatly the small things that make the biggest difference and that was one that suprised me!!