Thursday, 28 July 2016

Back in Budapest, First home Budapest, the Pest is the best!!

A Picasso exhibit ends this week, guess what I did?

How to understand it all

Cubanist art was the first art i really started looking at, i has a Cubanist style Swatch watch, I didn't know what it was, but I liked it.

Do it

Friday, 22 July 2016

Iron Maiden in Prague

And then I saw an Iron Maiden cover band a few nights later, I think they were better than the real thing (younger too!!)

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Prague, I spent my days swimming and strolling about...

The most famous writer from Czech whos dying wish was for all his works to be burnt

One for the oldies

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Zizkov neighbourhood tour

Yesterday I was wondering which walking tour I would do, and as luck would have it, there was a tour coming to my door, so I did that and here is what happened.

Church hill

The next photo is of a beer garden in Zizkov, there  were three classes, Class 1 to Class 4, well this place prided itself on being a class 4 bar, the worst of the worst.

Now its quite trendy to go there, they have concerts, craft beers... and maybe real estate people?

Class four bar

Monday, 11 July 2016

Vltava, music that was inspired by a lot of water outside a window?

I went on a bit of a stroll the other day and this is what happened

TV tower, AKA Eiffel tower

The Prague Eiffel tower is on a hill, including the hill, it is bigger than the Eiffel tower in Paris, I pointed out there is another little Eiffel tower in Las Vegas, welcome to the eastern European way of thinking

The other TV tower, built in communist times, it blocks the TV signals for the people that live near it and its built in a Jewish cemetery, which proves communism is all about living, right?

Faceless babies like to climb

John Lennon wall

Killing time... on a boat cruise

Music that was inspired by this location

Ice cream and beer anyone?

I looked it up on YouTube. here it is...

The Moldau (Vltava)

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Black Sabbath. Everyone loved this gig, Brilliant!!!!!

I was looking for Vivaldi tickets and saw Black Sabbath were playing the next night, at the gig I met one old guy that got his ticket last November. When I was in Helsinki, Finland, I remember someone telling me the Helsinki gig was sold out.

It appears Black Sabbath every couple of years decide to hang up the gloves and then they do another tour.
So i saw a lot of Sabbath t-shirts floating around yesterday, I stopped one guy on my 30.5km stroll around the city, and found out it was on at 8pm.

Interesting, I posted two postcards, had to walk a bit to find a post box, saw a tourist information, so I asked the guy working where I could buy tickets, he said where i could buy tickets.

He said, I can sell you a ticket, so it was a done deal!!!! I didn't think i would enjoy Sabbath as much as I did, but I did really like their first three albums, so for 52 euros, i and 18 thousand hardcore fans had one of best nights of their lives. Epic, what a night!!!!!

Going in the gate... feels strange

Its the start, Go Crazy!!!!


Saturday, 9 July 2016

Rival sons, the warm up band for Black Sabbath

Usually everyone skips the warm up act, but I think most people were there to see Black Sabbaths warm up band, Rival Sons

If you like rock music, these guys are ones to watch

Rival sons, warm up for Black Sabbath

Warm up done, tomorrow you get the Live Black Sabbath videos!!!

Thursday, 7 July 2016

European championships were on, Poland was playing...

Cars in Poland

It came down to Penalty's for Poland V Switzerland in the Euro 2016

Heres what happened

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Karpacz hiking, part B

Civilization, a sign?

Am I on Mars?

No walls!!

Day two, getting warm


Where there is smoke?

32 is not just a number

The bus

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Karpacz, whats on your mind, Sudden Enlightenment?

A while ago, i came to the realization i need to stop using Facebook and be in the moment, five days ago after a great time listening to music in the caravan in Jelina Gora, Poland, i decided to quit beer and focus on swimming and getting fit.

I remember 17 years ago, when I was in South East Asia, I stopped drinking for three months and lost tons of weight, got fit, looked good and got down to 75 kilos.

So the coming months, I want to do a repeat of this effort

It was a sort of enlightenment as described by Alan Watts

Alan Watts - Sudden Enlightenment

And I had this going through my mind a few days before

Monday, 4 July 2016

Karpacz hiking, part A

Oldies go up too. and what goes up, must go...

Sunday, 3 July 2016

Honey I'm Karpacz

Holy life in Karpacz

 I came down in the next video and got a bollo$king in Polish and English, apparently Slow and Stop signs should be obeyed?
I guess there is a first time for everything

Going up

They dont know me, which is a good thing!


A good investment?

Saturday, 2 July 2016

Carmen, the Opera diaries...

Of course if its on, I'm on, the opera Carmen was on, so guess what i did?

Of course!!!

Airbnb, of course i did that, it was the only accomodation I could get

Friday, 1 July 2016

The Wroclaw diaries...

Swimming will fix it...

Wroclaw walking tour...

Clothes shopping in Wroclaw

Too much of a good time

I shot the sheriff, but I cant remember the rest...

Love life too much

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