He´s locked up for biting a ducklings head off, Carbon the dog, ate the rest, so now the killer is locked up, Carbon is free.
I´m thinking anyone could have made that mistake, why is Ozzy Ozbourne out and about? Oseko is really cute!!!
As with humans, parrots seem to hasve their own turf wars, you dont have to ask ´Where´s the beef´ throw away the GPS, beacuse it is everywhere. I saw 2 parrots kick another parrot out of a perch today, the perch was big enough for a midgit basketball team and a full sized coach, they did this twice , but as a winner the parrot that got kicked out twice was getting up a third time, we got the message (and i thought i didn´t speak parrot, but somehow i ´Get it´, a lot quicker than our fallen hero) and we moved him somewhere else.
Later i saw one of the spider monkeys eating the bully parrots food, and i had to laugh. Karma exists in parrot world too, Squak, Squak (parrot talk for ´For real!!´
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