So after a shakey exit of Rio das Ostras, i basically was drinking Vodka for a bit before leaving the lovely Priscila on her way to go to Rio, to go to Canada, i bet she learnt nottin dere, not like she she could have learnt from observing me.
Bridget and I
So after going to the bust stop for the last bus to Busios, i thought, go back, a call was made, i was going back to sleep in the best bed in the state of Rio (and i think i might have been in a bit of a state myself, when i got back)
The lure of going back was only obstructed by the memory of me drinking all the Vodka, so i went to the bar that played electronic music and i said to myself i hope they play Jackass and low and behold, they did, i couldn't believe my luck, so i had a few Caprivodkas and i had a few for Priscila and went 'Home' (well it had been home for nearly 2 weeks and i was very comfortable too!!!)
Superstar we go
The next day i went to Busios, as you can see from the video above, Bridget Bardot liked the place, Angelina Jole has a house there, and why not, you can fly around in little dume buggies with not a care in the world.
If i were a Mc Donalds i would...
Speaking of not having a care in the world, i should introduce you to the person everyone knows in Busios, oh what a laugh, i wish i had videos and photos.
Clip, clip, clip
Massa was from Argentina, he was in Busios for a year, he hitched hiked over Brasil, and when i tolld him his visa would have expired, he didn't seem to care, he introduced me to the bar 'Mamma Loca', run by a cool local chick.
And when i got out money, thats probably where my card got skimmed.....the plot thickens!!!!
Buzios was the himalayas of brazil
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