So, i'm in Belfast and as it turns out, i come out of the bus station, i get directions for the town hall, i'm walking and across the road, i spot the Crown bar, so in i goes, and i'm thinking if the guy that gave me directions see's me going in, he'll think i was only taking the piss!!
So in i goes to the most bombed pub in the country, opposite the most bombed hotel in Europe (thats one of the attractions of the place), yep, this is Belfast, the price is right and the people are really cool!!
The crown bar

So, some of the highlights:
Eventually met my buddy Darrell AKA DJ Druid, he was getting scared that i might have ventured into the wrong area and land myself in trouble, he facebook messaged me and said 'Hey, i'm getting worried, get a taxi', not to worry, all i needed to do was put '0044' before his number and drop the 0 from his mobile number.

Darrell told me he thought every one knew this and he didn't want to sound condescending, he thought everyone knew, i didn't know!!!
Taxis are very cheap, in Belfast they come quickly, they have Sat nav and they call you when they get to your door, the best taxi service i have ever seen, ever!!!
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