Got a letter from my Sister Susan
No other news....other than Sneachta might be a daddy 6weeks time! Hes some nobber!!! It was hillarious!!!! I wasn't there but he got out of the kennel (through the wired fence- he made a hole), and then done the job with Mini. He then somehow got out again and got stuck on her, she was dragging him around, him on his back, & AJ was attacking him simultaniously...very funny! It won't be so funny if puppies come. Ma recons that she could get E200 for each puppy! I'll keep you posted!

And Olaf, from Germany
hallo me friends,
the year is almost over.
i would like to wish everybody a healthy and a good year.
to chrism as it is to late now,but i hop everybody celibate it nice.
who is travel now or go on the furture?
what is happend the last time?
i am okay.
i since 1 of juni travel on canada and usa,after 6 months i finsch the boots big contrys.
then i will travel direction sued to zentralamerika.
the usa is t a backpackercontry,to expensiv and the people now very kind.
but this was a experince for my.
so my friends,good lucky, take care and dont forget to enjoy the life.
the germanyguy olaf

And Priscila from Rio
I'm pretty sure that you ex told good things about you to her housemate! If she didn't, the girl will not give you any attention at all... GO, TIGER! HAHAHAHAHAH I don't like "sex with ex" too much... We have a quote here about it: "repeated stamps do not complete a stamp collection..." Hahahahaha

And Tiago (not Thiago) in Vitoria, on me going back to Brazil and not working for the man
Yeah, dont work for the man, have fun in earth cause you areg gonna get 7000 virgins in heaven anyway,, and if you are lucky i am gonna join you in Salvador, and we are gonna eat so much rock like a hot sauce for birds (or something like that)

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