So after a spinning RPM class, I haven't sweated that much in life (and not came at the end), and it felt good (for a change), I think the fit instructor was winking at me too, but that's another story (not like taking ho's money, but there you go)
I read yesterday that interval training is far better for you than spending all day in the gym and the spinning class was exactly that, I was absolutely fecked.
I thought I’d be good and lift some weights after, but the body (which will be referred from here after as the 'bod'), so off I went to see new production of 'Mary Poppins'
I was reading the Victorian government spent a small fortune of tax payer’s money bringing it to town (they wouldn't say how much, do we need to know how much fabulous things cost? Does fabulous have a price?
There was a lot of convincing to get it here for the winter festival. The guy that produced Mary Poppins has been trying to do it for the last 17 years and he's been doing a lot of schmoosing himself with the people at Disney.
They auditioned something like 650 people (probably just chicks) for the part of Mary Poppins, this was hardest thing. All I had to do was click a few times, get there and sit down.
But oh, what joy, If all the people that made it happened could have seen the smile on my faces, they surely would have felt rewarded many times over for their many sleepless nights, long days of negotiation and rehearsals, hard work and a million other things on and off the stage that went on that I never saw.
So anyways, since Bill Bailey last week got 5 out of 5, I too will give Mary Poppins, 5 out of 5, and this, she said 'Don’t reach for the stars, reach for the heavens, then you get all the stars too', what great advice for a young fella, some would say 'Reformed character', starting off in the world, like myself.
See for yourself:
Anything can happen if you let it
Sometimes things are difficult but you can bet it
Doesn't have to be so
If you reach for the starsSo for this little tid bit, I will have to add 1 star, as it says in the world best selling book, 'Teach a man to fish', the bible was right after all, Mary Poppins taught me all this, pity she couldn't have done it when I did my spelling tests, my grades were so low, I never got any stars, I could have just added my own. A million of them!!
All you get are the stars
But we've found a whole new spin
If you reach for the heavens
You get the stars thrown in
If you reach for the stars
All you get are the stars
But we've found a whole new spin
If you reach for the heavens
You get the stars thrown in
Hallelujah, praise the lord, stars, heavens, everything and Mary Poppins, a well earned 6 out of 5 stars from me.
You think YOU'RE happy, check out this guy:
Oops, the link
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