Thursday, 26 August 2010

I'm on the look out, for YOU!!!!

Photos are from Sneachta + Minnes puppie, 'Mira Bella'

So there i am,

So, there I am, thinking I’d better write something and someone that lives with their cat sends everyone a mail about someone that left something on the sink, well, I had to respond and let that person know that I for empathised with least!
Here's what went down.......

Everyone recieved this

To the person who left the breakfast bowl and spoon in the sink this morning, the "Kitchen Fairy" hasn't touched it. Please return to the sink and put into a dishwasher.
To the person that left the Pot and Steamer on the cooktop, please wash in sink and put them back where you got them from. (Maybe from night shift???).

Remember think twice before you next leave a mess or utensils in / on the sink.....Someone will see you...and say something to YOU.

I replied

Maybe it would be beneficial to everyone on this level if there was a workshop on how to use a kitchen, like they do for people that have lived in the bush?
Maybe this approach would be more pro-active in moving forward, this would also mean a decrease in informative mails regarding a (no dish running away with a) spoon, which I love reading, it makes me feel important and special receiving such communication.

Only this morning, I observed a woman leave her cutlery on the sink and when I pointed out to her to put it in the dishwasher, who was full, it would appear a 'Don’t ask, don’t tell' (much like the army and the AFL) process was in order, she still walked away and maybe that’s what university will do to people? It wasn't her problem, or so it seemed? I tried!

Maybe we should stop hiring people that have been to University?
In my mind the main reason people leave cutlery on the sink is largely due to the fact people are afraid of emptying the dishwasher and/or turning it on, maybe you would like to correspond with the people delegated to the kitchen roster? Maybe this fear can be rectified?

Have you ever tried living in a house, with other people? Waking up with beer cans all over the place? So far, I haven't seen any beer cans, but I’ll be on the look out and you'll be the first one to know.

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