Saturday, 12 February 2011

Olaf says 'Hi', in a way only, that only he can do.

A German guy Olaf, that i met years ago in the Gallapagos on a 7 day cruise sometimes sends a mail to his friends, and i just love reading them mail out's.

The mails, Spelling mistakes and all, they read the same way he talkes, and there is something quite appealing in it for me, it's not tricky, a play with words, it's raw, it conveys the message and it strikes me a quite honest, do i need to go on?

Part of the reason i stick it here, is more for my benifit than yours, but if you dig it, the more the merrier
hello friends,

today after long time a sign of my life.
yes i still life and everthing is good.
how are you and whats up the last months?
i hop everbody is okay!

who is travel and where?
i am agian on tour.
since 3 weeks i am this time agian on suedamerika,i started on argentinien and i think i finsh on nord of brasil.(end of mai,only 7 ,months)

in this moment i am on nordchile on iqiuqe(400km befor peru) and than i travel down to the sued and later i cross the border to argentinien agian.
this is a long,long way.

tomorow i have a tandemfly for paragliding.(sorry me english is bad,i am no it)
i hop it is fine and i can enjoy this fly!
so my friends,i wish everbody good lucky,good time and dont forget to enjoy the nice life.

the germanyguy olaf

ps.who will travel the next year(2011) from anfang okt. antill after the year 2012 end of mai with my to

afrika,but not to the tourist contrys.
i look for a good travelbody!
who had experince or ideas with afrika and same hints?
i am lucky for everthing!

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