Saturday, 12 March 2011

Sculptures by the sea, i see?

So, as you can see, i went to Perth, Couch surfer Selby sent me a text about the Sculptures by the sea, i did know it was on, i saw the front cover of the 'local rag', i don't read them, but how are  you supposed to block out these images, anyways.

They also have Sculptures by the sea in Sydney, on the Coogee to Bondi walk every year, is Perth trying to emulate Sydney in some way, which might sound ridiculous at first, except for the fact that by the year 2040, Perth will have more people that Sydney.

They (the powers that be) are actually planning it, it's like planning to stick your hand in a blender, you  have to laugh at the stupidity of it all

It sounds like a sad joke this progress, that few people would find funny, but now you know it's so,....sad but true, a bit a kin to 'Lets take a nice city and lets see how much we can fuck it up until the only thing left for people to do is to drive out in to the desert, hoping that they might die?'

It felt so arty, the birds were getting in on the act.

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