Thursday, 17 November 2011

It was Melbourne cup and that can only mean one thing...

And  that is Bill cart racing in Northcote!! Hip, hip hurrah!!!

My money was on this guy!!!

So, i saw on the mesasge boards of couch that there was Billy cart racing on and i remember going to 'The races' 5 years ago, just when it was starting out, so what choice did i have only to comply with my brain and get there any way i could?

So i did...

The amazing thing about Northcote is not many people actually cared about the Melbourne cup, i put some money on the race, lost it all, but that's not the point, i thought it was a very Australian thing to do, but not in Northcote, i think in Northcote the Melbourne cup is seen as a something 'For them', maybe people on the other side of the river?

All i know is it never even came up in conversation, such was the interest, it was all i could do to NOT think about the coup, maybe i was in the right place?

Later it felt like i floated back to my hostel, on the way back i saw guys sword fighting in Princess park, so i stopped off to spectate, some guy was shooting arrows at his mate, the mate had a sword and was deflecting the arrows, and i thought it was a pretty random thing to be looking at, all things considered, a very alternative and random day.

It was a day of new hope for Melbourne, not all of Melbourne has forgotton what it's about, the cops didn't invade and shut the place down, after all, it was a street party, people drinking on the back street and having lots of fun, i'd doubt people at the races had as much fun and it only cost what ever you gave the guy in the bottle shop, i might have given him a dirty look and $15 for a incorrectly priced (in my favour) 6 pack of Guinness?

Happiness in a can!!!

This was one of my favourite moments and i can say i was there, where were you?
A Billy Cart tradition

Look of antipication?

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