Monday, 20 February 2012

Dear food thief...

An Asylum by another name wouldn't smell so sweet

People it's not what happens to you in life, it's how you deal with it, i saw this from Sean in a hostel called Asylum, in Cairns, and from what i could see when i stayed there, they knew a thing or 2 about dealing with things, in fact to them, anything goes and it does!
On the fridges in the hostel kitchen, there reads a sign.... 
"Dear Food Thief, Let's play a game. 
Epsom Salt is an amazing laxative. In other words if you drink what we've put in the fridges, you will be pissing out of your arse. We have also put other foods in the fridges and sprayed them with insecticide. Maybe we're lying; Maybe we're not but if you're still game then try us out. 
One more thing. We have a rough idea who you are

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