Saturday, 12 May 2012

Thoughts and companionship of my soul

So, quite recently, i don't know if you've noticed? I've been going on a few bike rides, at night.

 How would you notice? I swoop in and out of my lane way in a way only Batman could do, and he does, now i do it too, it works, try it for yourself!

I remember someone telling me in South America, there is 2 ways to see a city
  1. During the day and
  2. At night
'So give me the night' as George Benson would say, being the inspiration for my latest adventures and maybe coming home later than expected and seeing flashing lights, maybe combined with the music in my head, i probably thought
'I think this could lead somewhere?'
Now George Benson

And as it literally has led me places, all over and around the city and has led me to the voices in my soul, which has been very interesting and i have been listening, how could i not?

I know what your thinking
You: 'Kieran, sounds like you've changed'
Me: 'Yes, i have, i think i have, and for the better too!'
Last night, i was out in Brunswick, at a warehouse party and a club and to be quite honest, it wasn't my scene at all, not any more, I'd rather be on my bike, seeing the sights, since no one else seems to have this same idea, the whole place is mine, but only for a few hours, but what a few hours!!

I discovered a cool Turkish cafe that closes at 5am, run by a very nice guy that is always super nice, i smoke apple, cherry and mint sisha watch soccer, drink Turkish drinks (my favourite being Sahleb), eat a toasted sandwich and roll home, what an excellent substitute to drinking.

What is quite interesting, i realised a few nights ago was, i was reading somewhere
Everything in the world is the way you wanted, you chose your reality
 Well, on one of my rides out by Broad Meadows, i took a series of turns, and ended up at an intersection, i know i had been to a few nights before, but i thought i was taking a new route, but i didn't, it was the same route, i chose it a 2nd time, all over again and the outcome was the same.

Would i have made the same choices in my life all over again? Well, i certainly learnt a lot? And it's been comforting being able to draw on the memories of all the people and places i have been to, every day i get more comfortable under my skin (and the ink) and it's very comfortable indeed, for the first time in a long time, it feels good to be this content, consistently too.

The Maribyrnong trail is another great ride at nigh, to see the city lights!

I was thinking, would i make all the choices i have made all over again? I'm making what could be conceivable a big choice by heading off to Byron bay, i didn't think I'd have the energy to move interstate again, but it being all too easy, it's happening, it's almost like the universe is willing me to go, i even found boxes to pack my stuff, near my house, too easy, call a number, they get picked up and i could even cycle to the airport VIA a bike path, i know the way too!

It comes down to our choices. I choose...

Jon talks about choices here

 So, why not? I know more about the place than most people born in Melbourne, and people from Melbourne are a dying breed in Zone 1, since Zone 1 i inhabited by people 'from somewhere else', me being one of them.

And i get fit too, i cycle for about 6 hours, and i go too, it's like the paths pull me along, i just cant believe it took me 10 years to get switched on to that idea?

Julia Cameron says:
The dead ends and cul de sacs that you explore may be leading somewhere, somewhere unknown. The unknown is never boring. You may be less bored than 'Boring into something'
 I am drawing my energies back into my own core for use along the lines of my own agenda
Until you start to like your own company even the company of someone else, be alone

I get it, i've been having such a good time by myself and now i'm looking forward to the next thing.


Words were brought to you VIA the mix that got me hooked on electronic music, Ben Watt, take a listen!

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