Monday, 1 August 2016

Eastern Europe and everything is going swimmingly...

 My new favourite pool in Budapest

I stopped the beer consumption about 5 weeks ago, to see how fit I could get. I met a guy in Poland that swam as much as me, the only difference was about twenty kilos.

So, I stopped and started swimming an hour, sometimes a bit longer six or so days a week.

And the results? Fantastic, my swimming has came on brilliantly, I am pretty swimming at the pace I was swimming at when I lived in Sydney a couple of years ago, oh life of unemployment, those were good times.

And now they are back. I remember the guy in Poland telling me...
"Beer really fucks your fitness"

I can safely say, yes it does. So the first two months of this trip were about drinking beer, swimming 3 days a week.
The advantage of travelling now, is i can find towns with good swimming pools with google maps and go to those places.

I remember hearing about a couple that me through swimming and planned their honey moon around swimming pools, and now I havee been doing pretty much the same.

My first pool was in Poland, in Lublin, they built a world class pool, thats too expencive for the locals and it was expencive, which meant I had it pretty much to myself.

Apparently in Poland its common for the government to spend a lot of money on stuff people dont need and not much on stuff they do need, hence the phrase
Nice hat, no shoes

So after a few weeks, i get better, i watch a few technique videos and boom, I am on a swimming holiday!!!!!

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