One of the songs they played, that i loved was the song below, and it´s a Tom Waits song, maybe i´ll have to give Mr Tom Waits a whirl!!
So i was out walking with a Polish chick called Aga, (i only remember this because of the Aga cookers) and we passed a pharmacey, so after having a bit of a chest infection since leaving La Paz i sez ´Whats the name of those pills you take when your sick´.
El Choro

She says ´Asprin´, i´m like ´No, no, you have to take all of them (if she said sleeping tablets here, i would have laughed, she did not), she says Paracetamol, then penacellin, no, no, no and now as i´m writing this i still cant remember the name, i guess i just dont have a head for legal drugs.
Thres too many of them anyways, they have more names than you can shake a stick at, and i still cant remember the name of those pills, birth control pills, no, no, no!!!
Myself and the guide

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