Monday, 6 September 2010

Finals fever, Melbourne has it, I got it and don’t bother calling medical assistance, unless it's DRE himself

So, I made the best possible start to Saturday by waking up and going out and then what happened he sez?

Not far from my house, there was a stream of people going in and out of a building that I’ve never seen any body go into, so I thought I’ll go in there and see what happens. So in I went and as it turns out, it was a discount clothes and shots sale, which was strange because there was no signs outside, it was though someone opened a door and the people just came, build it and they will come, nothing was build, it was just full of boxes marked 'Men’s hoodies', but when you looked in the box of hoodies, there were women’s tops, it was like a cyclone hit the place and cloths went flying all over the place, everything was in a bit of a heap, which would probably indicate the kind of people that had been there, shopping?

Cyclone damage

I asked a chick who was in charge of folding clothes that was strewn all over the place, she was telling me that earlier the place was crazy, and I believe it, I was telling her at the Preston market at he end of the market they have boxes of damaged fruit and vegetables, you can but stuff for a $1 and it's like a swarm of hungry piranhas feasting on a steak, it's a sight to behold and something you don’t see in a inflated prices supermarket, not at all, supermarket prices would give you a heart attack.

So, I spotted a pair of shoes I didn't really need, that were pretty cool, the prices indicated $10, someone said they were $5, I didn't really need them, but at that price, how could I say no? I queued up, like a good citizen in a civilized democracy, even though I have never voted for anything or anyone, unless my feet and my ability to put vast distances between people I feel protruded by? It's how I vote, you registering is not required and it's the easiest thing in the world to do and I do it.

The girl folding clothes told me she didn't know the price and to go and check the price at the cash register, if I didn't like the price I could just walk on out, it seemed like a good plan, so I queued and queued. The check out chick at the register, I could tell was out to cause me problems and seemed to have difficulty with me telling her the shoes were $10, someone said $5 I interjected, no, no, but she had to confer with a colleague, if she could of phoned a friend, she would have probably done that too!

The colleague told her $30, I already had $5 in my hand, I didn't really need them, so I said, 'I have to get more money', I should have added 'from my mom', which was my was of saying, 'Thank you very much for ruining what I though could be the start of a beautiful day' and I voted with my feet and got out of there, I’m more of a garage sale kinda guy anyways, I keep it real or die trying, anyways I already have shoes, maybe it was the fever? Would retail therapy have made me any happier? What would be the price I would eventually pay for all this?

Footy fever

I remember telling people in Sydney, 'If you have more than 2 pairs of shoes you could be gay', which is interesting, seeing that one weekend, I went out and bought 6 pairs on sale, too much of a good thing or what? I did buy 3 pairs last week, 2 from garage sales, brand new too!

Another way to know

As was the plan for Saturday, and doing normal things, I read the newspapers, had coffee, and my legs brought me to The Rose bar, finals fever has descended on Melbourne like a cloud, this is all that matters in Melbourne, for the next 4 weeks at least, the war in Iraq will just have to wait, someone should tell Obama to press the pause button, maybe get some kind of TiVo to record all the good parts, so he can watch them when he'd got the time?

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