Thursday, 30 September 2010

Wednesday's movie hits the spot (and i a little bit of wine hits the spot too)

I know what your thinking, was it 5 bullets or 6?

Monday Hong Kong moovie, no good....for me, too sci-fi, Tuesday Korean moovie, no good too, couldn't get into it. Wednesday moovie French and it was awesome! I loved it, it of course being a true story called 'A girl on a train', true story too!

So, as is my norm, watching these movies, I consumed a bottle of the old 'vino', went down well, a little too 'well', might have to stop that 'carry on', but there is another movie on tonight, Arghhhhh, crash bang. What to do?
So anyway, I woke up, just before 6am, someone was trying to kill me and some other guy that I was rolling with, that was ok, I had a gun that 'Dirty Harry' would have been proud of and I was giving as good as I got, I was holed up somewhere waiting to put a bullet in the 2 guys chasing us, the other guy was telling me to be careful. So I was awake, or should I say I awoke or I could say...

Source, Zhuangzi

Once upon a time, I, Chuang Chou, dreamt I was a butterfly, fluttering hither and thither, to all intents and purposes a butterfly. I was conscious only of my happiness as a butterfly, unaware that I was Chou. Soon I awaked, and there I was, veritably myself again. Now I do not know whether I was then a man dreaming I was a butterfly, or whether I am now a butterfly, dreaming I am a man. Between a man and a butterfly there is necessarily a distinction. The transition is called the transformation of material things.
Yeah, but putting bullets in muthaf*ckers, is a lot more fun!!!

Saw one of these too this morning!
The birds were chirping, the sun was shining, so I got up and got motivated and went back to bed after drinking a lot of water and then I got up and went to the gym, low and behold, the other RPM instructor was there, the Americano, I was in an all girl class, cycling. High points included the Americano instructor telling the girls to stop the bouncing they were doing on the bikes, engage the core, 'Whets all the bouncing about? Where did you get that?', after hearing this 10 times, I had to say 'It's from the club', it was too funny, especially since we started off with DR Dre track 'California', 'In da city....'

She told the girls to watch me and try and catch me at the pace, I was cycling, I replied, 'It hasn't happened yet', we were coming out with some good stuff, it was still before 7am for gawds sake, so then after the class, I was a bit 'fecked', so in I got to the Sauna and I tell a chick in there about the 'Bourke and Wills' exhibition, it's closing in a few days, no, she's never heard of it, I tell her she must have picked a good day to hang out and smoke behind the bike shed.
The ill fated journey of Bourke and Wills
The 'Bourke and Wills' is the most famous story after Ned Kelly, you have to laugh, NEVER heard it, I should have checked her passport. After I was feeling like a bit of a 'Kip' and I remembered 'The sleep pods', my gym has sleep pods, so I went there, oh joy, a bit of a rest-een and of to the place where they pay me lots of mullah and I try and do what I’m told and not cause any trouble (I’m in it for the money!)

Da boys, Bourke and Wills

Now, looks like there is a Mexican movie on later, 'The Desert Within', could be worth a look, after all the TV is going, everything is going, so maybe i should take advantage of my situation of lying on the couch, with a little glass-een?
Happy days

Oh yeah, Ned Kelly

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a nice post.

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