So, it's been a bit of a while since i've posted anything, so, now that i've found a home in Paddington (that's another story) i'll get cracking, i guess?
So, from when i last left ye, i was about to fly to the Gold Coast, my friend Cassie was 'competing' in the Gold Coast marathon, so all i had to do was hang out in Coolingatta for a few days and head over to South port and see her, and i did.
Cos i like...Birds!!
But first, let me tell you this, i got off the plane, and gave the Sands hostel a call, Hopper answered and came to collect me, his parting words with me were
'I know i will see you again'
And he did, and before long i was back to the hostel, in the Sunshine, lovel
No sooner did we get there and we were off to feed the Lorikeets in the Currumbin wild life sanctuary
Feeding time at the Zoo!!
I made a promise to myself, that the first thing i would do when i got back to the Gold Coast would be to buy the very same hoodie that was stolen in Revolver and buy a skate board and make a start, on my new lifestyle change that i came to to Queensland for, and i did.
I got the last hoodie in the shop, same size and style that i wanted and the long board skateboard for $200, and i was in business and i still, fast forward, 3 biggish falls, as Steve the couch surder said,
'If your not falling off, your doing something wrong'How true!!
It appears i'm doing something right, i'm still waiting for my hand to heal up, the last fall i had was outside a shopping centre in South port, i went face first after the front wheel didn't make it from street to the curb, i went flying, broke the jar of olives, i had a container of Yougurt that opened, i probably should have thrown out the yougurt, but i though i'd eat it until i could taste glass, which i didn't.
What ye talkin' about, yea crazy fool?
If i ended up pissing blood the next day either, i would have had no problem identifing a possible reason as to why, glass in Youghurt will do that to you, it didn't happen to me, but there you go.
I was back in business, in Queensland, 'The Smart state'? I think so!!
And one that nearly got away...
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