I met Bonnie through Pretty boy, we had a mad Saturday session with them the night my hoodie was stolen from revolver, apparently she let slip that i could stay with her for 1 month, a fact that was re confirmed by pretty the week before i went to Brisbane. Cool!!
So a call was made before i arrived in Brisbane, the offer still stood and i was off, i arrived and before long i was installed in Kelvin Grove, fast forward 6 days later, feeling a bit worse for wear after a night out, mostly drinking with Will from England that (don't laugh) got kicked out of some hostel the previous week.
Is this an English thing?
Why did this normally reserved English man, get chucked out on his ear? He used to run competitively for Yorkshire, used to until he discovered alcohol anyways and that was the end of that and then it was running to the bottle shop and back.
Even Will didn't know why he got kicked out, so it must of been bad, in hostels, any story like this, no matter how stupid, could turn out to be true, and this story is true! I will not burn in hell for this little bit of gossip, as god is my witness!!
Could this man possibly be related to Will?
Well, it would appear Will, the previous night, came in to his room, a little worse for wear, and for some reason, some long term staying girls witness him urinating...in the bin.
As bad as that might sound, this is tame stuff Will so rightly pointed out, tame yes.
How you think? Well tame compared to some other stories, as in some Canadian urinating in the middle of a dorm, minus a bin and some other unsuspecting guy waking up at night in the bottom of a bunk bed wondering why his face was getting wet and luckily evacuating his sleeping position before a tidal wave (or so it would have appeared came gushing down, nice eh?
Everyones at it, where are the role models?
When the guy in the bottom bunk complained furiously, he was given a night's free accommodation and 2 free jugs in the bar, no more problem, the world it would seem found a balance, between the moon, stars, bottom and top bunk, Australia went back to being the luck country for some unlucky bugger.
So, i was out with Will and co, co being a bunch of Northern Irish, drinking in the dorm room, before going to the bar under the hostel, i left earlyish, there were about 10 people waiting for taxis, so i decided i'd walk and get a taxi, sounds easy?
Big mistake!!
As unfamiliar as am to this place, my brain decided to ask some guy where i could get a taxi, the guy pointed and said
'200 meter's over there and you'll be in the valley'And i was thinking of this..
So i went, and he was right and i saw what must of been the longest taxi queue in my life, it must have been 200m, it nearly scared the sh$t out of me!!
One of the reasons i came to Australia, was to never have to endure long waits for anything, Brisbane wasn't looking good, i walked out of the valley and got a taxi, eventually.
The taxi driver then proceeded to drive back to the valley, i must of been walking the wrong direction, some chick saw me and screamed 'Can i go in your taxi', she was doing the democratic thing, i'm still new to the city, i don't know where i'm going and before i could offer a response, she says 'Well fuck you' and i guess the only civilized thing left to do was clear off and wake up and embrace a brand new day.
And Part 1 ends, where it began, So, it's a Sunday morning, i compile a list of places to view, it was going to be a lot of cycling a big day...or was it?
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