Since i last left you, Diana and myself went on a bikes and wine tour, the tour went well and we had lots of great wine, Mendoz is known for it´s wine and a trip there is highly recomended.
D. mixed the grape and the grain (this is something Keith Richards nver does, it is his only rule) and that didn´t go down too good.
Diana ended up going to Santiago, i stayd in Mendoza in Hostel Una.
Met a guy called Joe from the US army who came to Mendoza because he wanted to get out of the US, a really nice guy, he´s only 20 and talks like he is at least 30.
He showed me some photos and videos of fire fights in Iraq
See for yourself
He also old me he killed for the first time at 17, not the kind of guy to be messed with, he´s been on 2 tours.
While he was away his ife cheated on him, twice, apparently all solders wives do this, there are no women in Iraq, so he couldn´t even if he wanted, and they all cheat with their best friends, so if you cant trust someone with your best friend, doesn´t seem like much point.
Went to Uspallata, where they filmed 7 years in Tibet, climbed to the first base camp of the highest peak in South America, Aconcagua , a 15 day treck in total.
When i got there after travelling 80km, i saw 2 hostels. I could have strangled the hostel owner in Uspallata for not telling me this!!!
But i suppose it´s ust business, and business is business, buyer beware!! Next time do the research boy!
Got so burnt from the walk and after missing the 5pm bus by 10 minutes, i waited until 8pm for the next one when i got back to Upsallata i checked my email to see what the word was from Santiago, then had to walk back 5 kms on a dark road with big trucks flying by. What an ordeal!!
Diana and myself are now going to re adjust our epectations of each other and be friends, a new start, sort of.
Anyways i would like to see Vancouver with friend....as long as we are good friends, life is too short for anything else.
Got up early to go to Santiago after one of the longest days ever for am early bus, but as it turns out, i could have stayed in bed another while and go the bus at 12. Sleep is for old people anyways, the things you do for love :)
I read how some guy copyrighted the :), so i should pay him, but i wont :)
As long as no ones hurt it should all work out ok, and the song in the background says ´We got a groovey kind of love´.
I have to laugh :)
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