After many days by a pool and a Duche de leche habbit, not exceeding 1 bottle per day, we moved on to Mendoza, the only thing i know about Mendoza is from watching some movie years ago and a guy screaming ´Mendoza!!´, i think out a window. He was very mad too, funny how you can always tell :)
But back to Dulche de leche, on the rocks, with milk, thanks. It´s a bit like Baileys, and for 10 pesos, about $3, for a whole bottle, not bad.
But what about the calories ? Wont someone think of the calories, or all the brain cells, hmmm, yeah, one day, one day.
Saw the log from the boys from Cali, and now i´m thinking about going to Machu Picchu, they are as sick as dogs as their porters didn´t wash their hands before preparing their food.
Well maye someone didn´t tell the porters to wash their hands, i´m thinking Mark and Jeff spent too much time at home and just assumed everyone washes their hands before prepareing rice and chicken, just like mammy.
No, it´s just another one of ´Life´s little lessons´, you woud have learnt that one years ago in my famiy, if i ever get sick, it´s because i´m going to die, i am immune from food poisoning, at least i think, so far so good.
Horacio from CSI Miami mentioned he was named after Horacio Alger who wrote Jacks Ward, it appears he wrote rags to ritches stories, inspiring stuff to name your kid on arriving to the promised land
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