Wednesday, 3 December 2008

To Venus and back and Tori Amos

I used to listen to this album ´To Venus and back´ every day, for about 4 months at work, then Play from Moby, such joy, or bliss, which brings me to....


Hello me meet the real me, i was passing a school on Buenos Aires, and do you know what it was called? Ciarano from St Ciaran, so now in South America i will be known as Ciarano, long live Ciarano, he is or something?

When i was back in Buenos Aires collecting Diana, we went to see the Koi fish me for the second time, in the Japaneese garden, taking lots of photos for a second time and this time they made it to the net, not any kind of fishermans net, a net of tubes as some American politican tried explaining it, does that then explain I hope so, i really do, that would explain everything wouldn´t it? Lovely, the jigsaw is all coming together nicely.

Tori Amos - 1000 Oceans

Stayed another 2 nights to meet up with Diana´s friend from Canada, after checking in for work after flying down, he was told to go home, but before he did, he bought us dinner, yummie, Argentenian meat, that´s why i´m here after all!

We went to see Boca play with Kelly from Geelong and her Quebec (dirty French speaking) boyfriend.

We were a bit squashed, so at half time we went out and went back in another door to get up heigher, no joy, so we went outside to sit down.

Big mistake, some guy opposite was winding the Boca guys up, they were losing, a cop told us to not sit there, so we moved to the opposite side of the street, big mistake, the float and plastic interior of a toilet came down near us and would have hit D if it wasn´t for the telephone wire over her, then we got the message, no language barrier, then bits of porcelane came reigning down, a cop decided to move his car too.
In laymans terms the Boca fans made shite of the toilet.

I couldn´t believe it, when more ceramic bits came down, what other choice did i have?
It´s probably no mistake the away fans are put in below the Boca fans and anything could come reigning down on you, not from god, so dont go blaming him, although he did make Boca fans in his image, what does that tell you?

Someone was telling me, Boca fans dont care if they win because they have won so much, i would beg to differ, after all the word ´Fan´ comes from the word ´Fanatic´.

After the game Kelly saw some guy being chased by a mob, this is a good way to pratice your running and ge very good or die.

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