All this talk of recession has reminded me of Tulp mania and a time, a long time ago, but as you well know, history has a nasty way of repeating itself.
Introducing Tulp mania and this too
I was watching some American movie starring Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson himself, and it had a big Irish theme, very American indeed.
Anyways one of the quotes was:
"This is one race of people for whom psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever."
- Sigmund Freud (speaking about the Irish)
Interesting, so there´s no hope for me, but i once read that being from anywhere is your way of thinking, not the countries language, clothes, looks, farts?
So since i dont live in the old country, who am i? Not that it matters to me since i dont have to live there anymore, when it´s 2am in Australia, it´s still 1960 in Ireland.
And i found some more quotes
Camping, i have a camera too!

The next part of this entry, do you like entries? Blog ones? Hmmm.....is called....
Found a Cross pen, I´m blue, da da dee dee de da daa..... that´s what it said to me when i found it, yep, blue, blue, blue, blue.
I am saving it for when i have something good to write, maybe the first word will be ´Toilet paper´? Or maybe a rainy day, you dont get them in San Pedro, Bolivia? Sure, i´ll go to Bolivia.
San Pedro at night

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