A miner told us told us between blasting, they would chew Coco Leaves, since their hands were covered in Arsonic, they piss on their hands before chewing the leaves, also when they cut their hands, cheap and good, they mine the same way they have been for 100´s of years.
Poor miners mine the same way they have mined 100´s of years, rich miners have pnumatic drills + air hoses, for the drills, the workers breathe the dust.
Wez went out with one of the girls he met on the mine tour, she didn´t drink, he drank 6 litres, he told her, i might get pretty drunk, so it´s all downhill from here, gotta love the honesty there!!
The fuse is burning, the TNT is in the bag
One miner found a big piece of silver + bough a hummer, diviorced his wife and is now banging a 17 year old, he would be a lucky miner, lucky indeed, and why not?
The indigenous slaves didnt see daylight for up to 6 months, so they put air vents to the surface every 100 meters themselves, after all air is kinda important
The fuse is burning on this one too
And i didn´t want to go on the tour in the first place, but Pierre from France sent me a facebook msg, all the way from France and i was sick of everybody saying how good the tour was, and it was good, and so it goes
One of the many Tio, Devil gods
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