Friday, 13 February 2009

Potosi is the bomb, albeit the water bomb

Went out for a stroll with Wez from England, him being my room mate, it seemed like a civilized thing to do on a sunny morning.

At this point i did not know his name, then we came upon a street full of mostly kids throwing water baloons, about 300m of action, the like of fighting that hasn´t been seen since El Che and Fidel stormed Cuba, Viva la Revolution!!

We were taking in the action, i says the guy next to me (his name was Wez, but i didn´t know it) we gotta throw some balloons at these kids, Wes was up and off buying ammo, after throwing 1 bag of water balloons (1 boliviano - 10 cents euro) i was hooked

Koala drinking water

Because we were gringos, no one suspected up, no one ever suspects the butterfly, we were the butterflys, some of the kids were scratching their wet heads wondering who was throwing the satelite guided water baloons, was it the hand of god?


Then they figured it was us, but we were buying too many baloons for the kids to go making any enemies of us. This was our tatical advantage, overwhelm the enemy with firepower.

The Irish couple walked passed Wes and he was spitting out coca leaves and throwing water baloons at some kids. I wonder what they thought? This would never happen in Ireland, i bet?

Wez caught a guy in his 40´s, right on the chest, good job Wez could fight, it was loooking like he was going to need those skills, he also hit a police motor bike, the cops were cool with it.

There was a businessman walking down the side street, i missed him by an inch.

There was a shop selling wrapping paper out the front, i got the wrapping paper, i´m sure the daughter would have ran in saying ´Mammy mammy, the gringos are attacking´, anyways, they should have been selling water balloons, young people, old people, people at the ATM, the cool guys with the shades, we had plenty of targets.

One of the jeeps that passed by was throwing balloons, i caught the guy throwing the balloon.

A 5 year old kid threw a balloon at me from a jeep, his family were laughing, this was the opportiunity i was waiting for all day, i caught him on the head and it bounced off and exploded (like a scene out of McGuiver) off of the front passengers window. Wez caught them too, what a laugh, that was the end of their throwing ballons from a moving vechicle.

We were winning the war, we were the liberators!

On the way back Wez thought the hotel was down a street with punks, armed ones with water baloon, big mistake all of a sudden it was.
Holla Amigos, una, dos, tres.

And it was the wrong direction to the hostel.

High altitude, sandles, no more water balloons, i got some of their baloons and got them, i should have held on, the enemys attacked again, what a laugh.

I was thinking, there must be a better way for someone nearly 32 years old to spend his time...............

I have to go back to morrow, and be that butterly, although by now, some of the kids got that nature lesson today and wont want to re-learn this lesson.

Maybe i can be a puddy cat, they dont even like water, just like the puddy in Shrek, now wouldn´t that be fun :)

Cat playing the Piano

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