Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Der all dropping like flies here

A fair d well to Matt

So, if you were me, and I don’t recommend you try anything I would ever do, but, from my 'Work' location, the only thing I can ascertain, at this point is this, 'They are all dropping like flies here', and you can quote me on that.

The latest addition to these flies is the illustrious Matt, his last day is today, he's buzzing off to the other side of the river in another building, oh I can see the building, if I walk to the other side of this building, not that I’d want to do that, I wouldn't need to be setting up any telescope to monitor that fellows movements, he'd be doing as little as possible as often as possible, just like me, in fact, like a good man!

But, people in Fitzroy have an aversion in crossing the Yarra river, some just wont do it or they need a very good reason in doing so, to some it's like going to Sydney, no thanks, I’ll stay where I am and I wont be going back to Sydney in a hurry either!

I'm getting flash back of the movie Michael Collins, and I’m not going to compare Matt to the Irish hero, who put the fear of go into the English, but in the movie, he did address a crowd, it was very emotional stuff, moving and the last part of his speech he says, to paraphrase 'If they kill me, who'll take my place?'

Michael Collins, didn't take any bullshit

In the movie, everyone in the crowd shouts 'I WILL', this didn't go down too well with the English spies, this wont be happening with Matt, everyone’s bailing, and the ones left will be bailing water, if I was bailing hay, at least I’d be able to see the work I did and it would be honest toil for an honest days labour, but I digress.

A little known thing I would like to recant about Michael Collins is when the troubles broke out, before the uprising, Mr Collins was working as a messenger in London, he told everyone he was going home to fight the war, everyone thought he was going to help the English and not be the thorn in their side that he was, oh they didn't know what to do with him!

In fact the CIA and anybody involved in warefare studied him, he invented Guerrilla warfare, and he was Che Guevara’s hero.

His father was the seventh son of a seventh son
He used to cycle around on a bicycle, the English were always looking for convoys of cars
His father married at 60
On his father's death bed he told his family to take care of Michael, because "One day he'll be a great man. He'll do great work for Ireland"

In his biography of Michael Collins, Tim Pat Coogan recounted that, when Lord Lieutenant Fitzalan remarked that Collins had arrived seven minutes late for the 16 January 1922 ceremony, Collins replied, "We've been waiting over seven hundred years, you can have the extra seven minutes"

Bon voyage Matt!!!

Tuesdays gone and i'm going to the Gym now

Photos are from Melbourne

Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
“If you encounter someone who’s acting like a fool, there’s a good chance that person is suffering from sleep deprivation.”

So, in keeping with the 'New Change' I was looking for, I joined a gym, the Virgin one in the city, the best one I have ever seen, went on Saturday, Sunday and yesterday I got a program for myself, I was shown the machines, and how to use them, the chick that did the program for me Claire, is dating a guy who was born in the old country, but grew up here, the parents still have the Irish accents, so I was told that’s how she understood me, lucky girl.

We were getting on like a house on fire

I've only been here on and off for 10 years, I mean if people can’t understand me now, what the hell am I doing?

So later I walked back, as I used to do for my exercise, on my way I met my new buddy from Brisbane Andy and his friends, it was his girlfriend's birthday, so I was invited in for a drink, and I was never one for saying no, good company and a glass of wine, how can you say no?

Would you like a slice of carrot cake? Why not, how could you turn that offer down, I did recant my love of chocolate + crisps + beer. Cake and wine works too, and to prove it, I finished off the cake that would of ended up in the bin, maybe not a good substitute for dinner, but beggars cant be choosers?

Oh, as you can see, I got a new banner ad, I had the Salsbury slaved away at it, and being a perfectionist, and we did it again and again, until it was perfect.

Actually it was good the first time, Matt put the three Ellipsis in '...', since I sometimes have so much to say, I asked Matt to give me 6 Ellipsis, '......',

Not using Ellipsis correctly could be actually be insulting, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. It's a good job people don’t understand me half the time and don’t know what to make of me the other times, especially Tuesdays

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Each letter tells a story

Women got the vote in Melbourne, and they got a sculpture to prove it!!!

Lessons from Russell Brand

So, while I was away, I started doing a bit of reading, among other things, I read Russell Brands My Booky Wook, maybe he should have called it 'I cant believe I didn't kill myself or no one killed me', you have to admire the guy all the same, how he could admit contained within the book covers, some good material/stories, inspirational?

There is hope for everybody.
Mr Brand used to have a smoke with a guy in school and he would always say interesting things like, has a drag, points at a building as says
'Every building was once an idea in someone’s head, then it was a drawing and then it was build, so it all starts with the idea, if you have an idea, you can do anything', how cool?

I was watching a bit of TV, as you do, when your not up for doing activities (and I wasn’t) anyways the name 'Australia' is actually directions, it means 'East to wards the golden sun where the gold is',

I remember the guy on tv explaining the meaning, the first part was 'AU=Gold', ST, I think was South, and I cant remember the rest and Google searching it doesn't help either, maybe it's a little known story, 'Each letter tells a story' the man said, how right he was.

And I was thinking the Chinese name for Australia translates to 'Mountain of gold', when New South Wales split from Victoria, they announced a gold strike in Ballarat, the day after of course.
It was Chinese’s miners found gold in Ararat, they kept it to themselves of course, and there was hell to pay when the locals found out about this, wasn't too good for the Chinese.
There was a 10 pound tax on any captain that brought Chinese people to Melbourne at the time, the same time they pad any English 10 pounds to come here, the English people had to stay 2 years, quite a challenge, hence the '10 pound Pom' and 'Winging Pom', when they got here, they wanted to go home.

Pom, i looked it up, here's what google said
Either comes from 'prisoner of mother England' or pomigranite - a reddish coloured fruit that native Australians (Aboriginals) thought had a similar colour to the skin of sunburnt Brits. Not meant to be an insult (as some English think for some reason), merely a nickname for our less-tanned former rulers. Nicknaming everything is very Australian.

The example, given, i love it!!

Pom: 'Oi, convict, get your shit stars off our flag!'
Aussie: Fuck off pom, get your shit cricketers off our cricket ovals and give us our fucking ashes - they've been ours since 1989!'

Moving on, I got tons of movies from the library, one of them was 'Looking for Alibrandi', apart from being a good movie, the scene where she is at her dad's place was the balcony above where I worked in Sydney at (now no longer, another .com story, worked out well for me, and I’m still here!!)

hello my friend

Photo is from Melbourne, walking home one night

A word from Olaf, my German friend

hello my friend,
nice to hear from you.
you also only travel!nice life.
i am now for afew days on miami and than i go back to germany,after 11 months.
i have to earn money after 20 months witout work.
you now travel is ever year more expensiv and without money no honey.
but on this year on okt. i start my next trip from argentien to venuzuela.
i have agia 8 months to go there.
i pass barasil but i stay more on the nord,you now fortaleza?
mabay meet you on the way.we keep on touch.
than take care my friend,enjoy the life.
the germanyguy olaf
ps.i was travel now with a young guy from melbourne for almost 5 monthts,from mexico to colombien.

Monday, 28 June 2010

Sick as a small hospital

Photos are from Melbourne

So, if your going to write something, you should write about something you know about, the only thing I feel competent about writing about, would maybe be how I was sick as a small hospital for the last 2 weeks.

And the funny thing about it all was, it was great, I watched movies night and day, day and night, I did nothing, ate little, had the house to myself, with the heater next to me, lying on the bean bag and I was heaven. Lost lots of weight too. I avoided the internet too, a complete break from the world, it was too good to be true!!!

Now, this bit.

I haven’t been sick, that sick in about 20 years, 20 years you say, yep, 20 years, I had the flu shot at work a few months ago, so you'd be forgiven in thinking it wasn’t the flu, but, I saw a commercial on TV and it went a bit like this.

TV: 'Are you suffering from headaches, pains in your body, congestion'
Me: 'Yes, yes!!!'
TV: You need [insert brand name] cold and flu tablets

I went straight out and got me some of those Flu tablet babies and popped them and felt like a million bucks
That morning I brushed my tongue and I felt like someone picked me out of a grave, just like train spotting, I was on my way to recovery.

But the funny thing was, I used to be invincible, bullets used to fly off of me. I used to chase people down the street, shooting up the whole damn place, not anymore, now I 'm beginning I’m not invincible anymore, I might even die one day, don’t worry, it gets worse, I’m getting old, I really am, I just coming to terms with it all.

I used to be like this guy

So the good thing of this experience was, I completely detoxed, I’m all fine, just about, if my body wasn't so run down from the partying on previous weekends I might not have gotten sick in the first place, I’ve joined the Virgin health club (and since I’m paying, I’m going)

It's the start of a beautiful thing and I’m pretty excited about the gym, it's the best one I’ve seen in a long time

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

First there was the thing and then one thing led to the other.

All photos are from Swantson st (and little Lonsdale st)I eat this food almost every day, i got Matt from work addicted too!!!

So, my mate Drew came to town, I stayed with him in Sydney, he wanted to watch the soccer, we were out last night, with 2 English types, one of them, well he has a problem.
The problem, being, no one will take him seriously [enter Kieran stage left]

Everybody takes me seriously, on paper that is, and then you meet me and then you don’t know what to believe, so I tell him, 'Of course they don’t take you seriously, they think you are a back packer, you have to tell them you have a girlfriend, dog, your buying a house, your sister is here'

So, what I’m trying to say is, I suppose, is, well sorry (something the ex Prime Minister John Howard would never have done that)

Sorry Australia, because of my tutoring, you'll be lumped with another English type. I did hit him up for a drink; he took notes on his phone.

When the student the teacher appears, did I become the teacher? Is this a step in the right direction? Maybe 2 steps forward and 3 backwards?

I know what you’re thinking, were you salsa dancing? Maybe I was, at least it sounds plausible?

So it was a fair exchange, I thought, 1 drink and I solve all your problems.
So Australia, I solved his problems, now he'll be your problem. I just like to help (and drink vodka and cokes, yummy in my tummy), now, I’m goanna put my genes in your tummy

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Time is a circus...........

Ben Hecht
Time is a circus, always packing up and moving away

We all want to run away to the circus, with everyone leaving work; is there a connection between this and the Circus Oz coming to town?

Eric Clapton's unplugged album (no the CD, the video) has a song about the last time he was out with his son before he fell to his death, he went to the circus with him and it's called 'Circus left town'

It's the best song on the live unplugged show, so why didn't he put it on the album?

Is this me?

Is the world ready for a 'Milking bulls' routine? It would be cutting edge, ahead of it's time, packing up and moving away, hmmm? Let take em down to Missouri boys, Yehaw!!
So, if this is true and all my colleagues were off to join the circus, what would they do? What would they be involved in that would require their special talents?

The word 'Require' nearly made me laugh, it triggered the word 'Requirements' in my brain. Why are you doing this to me brain? Giving me flash backs of work, on my day off. I don’t mind getting flash backs of the last 4 months, 2 months, 1 month, week, hr, at work. But on my day off? That's not cricket!! I do not require this.

But the reality is, I could be hanging out with the cast and crew of Big Fish Part 2 and not even realise it?

Big Fish

I need to rest this weary brain of mine, the body too. I involved it in the throws of passion the other night, no rest for the wicked as they say. I must have met the wicked witch from the west and I don’t mind at all. I'll do it all over again, she can cast any spell she likes on me (and she probably has too) and she lives up the road to boot, a very convenient truth.

Monday, 14 June 2010

The Queen can fuck off to Queensland

True story, get ready for it
So, i told a few people this story, happened 10 years ago.

So, i'm standing by a tram stop by Collins and Spencer st, in the city, 10 years ago, with my first ex Claire.

I say 'Thank god for the Queen, now we have tomorrow off for her birthday', i was joking. A guy looked at me, stepped out and uttered these words which i will never forget.
'The Queen can fuck off to Queensland', i was only joking, he wasn't, i was a classic moment in my life.

Speaking of Queensland, i'm in Gypsy bar, i meet one of Bartender Olivias friends, Vanessa, from Queensland, i give her the same line as the guy i met a few weeks ago 'I know one person in Queensland, Josh Donnely', she says 'No, i know a Josh Don-e-ley'.

He wrote a book, i said, she says yes, what it about, something about India i sez, 'I know Josh', sez she.

I text Josh, his reply includes, 'Nes is rad', i was thinking if i saw her again, 'Hey Josh wants that $20 bucks you owe him, and you'd better pay up, now'. It pays to know people, doesn't it.

I'm not if it has paid anyone in knowing me, if it did, they got paid in magic beans, here, take these 5 magic beans and shut up!!!

Last night i saw another awesome movie Lacombe Lucien by the awesome director Louis Malle

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Dweller's in the cellar

Happy daze in Rio

Hey dweller's in the cellar, the game is up, move to higher ground!!!

So i see Clara, Faiz's girlfriend, we are at ABC gallery last night, Faiz has gone to work, she has a problem, and an awesome movie was about to start.

She begins Do, you know Damo? Of course, i met him in Rio! She has a problem, Damo's brother is full of, well spunk i guess and now the game is all fucked up (like my French?)

Well, it turns out the Damo's bro, lets call him Mr X, is an ass-piring writer, cruzing for a bruising more like, well anyways he was staying in a warehouse (not a whore house although there is a lot of women living there, i do not know how they fill in their Tax forms, so let's deal with the facts)

So, you should always write about what you know about, this was Mr X's dilemma on Friday night.
As it turns out the local councils don’t want people living in Warehouse type of accommodation, they come around looking for them, 'Is anyone in there? Come out or i'll huff and puff!!


They send them notices, give them huge fines, now Mr X and his buddy wrote a good article about it to tell everyone about this popular illegal activity, spilling the beans, so to speak.

The scene from the movie 'Blazing saddles' comes to mind, the fart scene, quite possibly the funniest fart scene, seen, heard and smelt, to the lucky, possibly?

The article, smells like teen spirit?

All i know is, the people that live in these warehouses (Do people live in Whorehouses?) want to harm Mr X for drawing light to them, and blowing the whistle on their lives, possibly supplying evidence to be used in a court of law.

Another side of Rio

Now there is calm, and this is the worrying thing, the calm before the storm, what’s coming? None of the dwellers know, my advise is for them to take to higher ground, maybe build an ark? Live in the trees, no one would think of looking for them there!!

What to do? Clara wants to punish the evil doers, but she wants like i suggested to punish and teach them a lesson.

All i know i a lot of women are devoting time from their precious youth in search of the answer to this pressing question. Mr X wasn't even paying to stay, oh the wrath he's brought on himself!!!

Stay tuned!!!

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Have i hit the big time?

I walk past this everyday, it's some old steam hoist, to life things, old skool

Jack Kerouac
I had nothing to offer anyone, except my own confustion

I don’t hear wedding bells, but I did hear bells walking home last night, I have a route, a bit like a post mans route, I got a root, last night in fact, did you need to know that, maybe not except I wasn't delivering any mail, I was delivering myself, to my home, which would make sense, since I didn't get there until 2am, and very not alone I can tell you, and you heard it here, first, but that’s another story.

Back to the bells, THE BELLZ, so, let me tell you, I was walking home a few weeks, listening to some electronic music, and you know how they are always mixing stuff in, well anyways, the bell ringers were going mad, ringing away and it actually sounded cool, but I wasn't going to tell you any of that, and that's the point of writing this stuff , can you imagine the stuff going on in my brain? (The mouse at the controls in dire need of a bit of cheese, maybe a bit of Swiss?)

SLAM Rally, save live music, in Melbourne

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC)
Consider pleasures as they depart, not as they come.

Any way’s, Woody Allen once said,
'80% of success is showing up on time'

And it now seems strange, but I got in this morning at 9.35am and 'Hey Presto', I’m a web success, I feature on my mate Matt's blog, is there any truth to any of the quotes people quote you these days, of are people just making stuff up, I hope so, on both count.

I was late for fecks sake, I don’t deserve the recognition, but I come to work to do pretty much nothing and get paid a lot, I don’t deserve that either, but I suppose, beggars cant be choosers, can bloggers be choosers? And they chose me, so what can I do, except nod my head in agreement?

Would you agree?

Check it out, if they is part of my 15 minutes of fame, I want to know, wait minute and am I a celebrity? How long will the 'Buzz' last before I hit rock bottom?

Russell Brand and me

If god exists out there and I’m not talking about you,........Super man. I'm talking about all the fictional characters you'll find in the best selling book in the world,

The bible, now, most motels have one, so when you not sleeping of having it off with you neighbours wife, or what ever you might use a motel for (you sick fucker), you might want a read it, and you might need a read if you get through all this, the bible that is.

But anyways, god's coming back it says, somewhere in that bible and I know something you don’t know.

I know who Jesus is, and he looks like him too. It's Russell Brant, he is the saviour of the world. All hail the lord, Halluaja!!!!

I know this, only because I saw him last night, in real life and I did a lot of 'lol', in real life too, which helps, it really does.

I read a review this morning in the paper and it said he played to a full arena with no production and he was in command the whole time, which he was, it was ACE!!!

Russell comes over with his mate, and just when you expect a long haired, thin, tall guy to come out, out a colored, shaved head, not so skinny guy, we were told that Russell was back stage laughing, so we laughed too, but its big gig, his mate is off and the waiting begins.

We see the trailer to his new movie, see the song about saying no to drugs, it's called 'Just say YES'.

So out comes our Russ, he's done a bit of research on Wikipedia; he's not totally ignorant, talks about the Melbourne/ Sydney beef (no vegetarians were hurt) and the strange cousin Canberra, very good.
And when I was thinking about it this morning, he was probable getting 20K a min, to freestyle crap with a page he printed off, let’s do the math

Total effort = none,
Result = the whole place was in stitches!!!

Now I knew Melbourne was founded by John Batman, but he included a few facts that were a first to my ears, like Melbourne was once known as ''Batmania', so he wasn't making it up, read all about it

He was staying on Batman Avenue; it was such a novelty for him

Before all of this, he was in the audience; some woman thrust her daughter at him, for a hug. Russell’s comment was 'Don’t blame me if in 10 months she's got a little munchkin'

One of the last stories he told was how he was having a 3 some with his mate Matt, and he got some sperm on his mates leg, his mate says 'Agh....Russell' then looks at him, then chases around the room masturbating, with some cow in the bed, saying 'Oh, no'.

Too good, not many people could do it and breeze off like that, not many, if any.

Someone else's point of view

Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Holy moley, they will all be at it soon

I pass this statue guy every day in Melbourne

Now a word from Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
A man would do well to carry a pencil in his pocket, and write down the thoughts of the moment. Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable, and should be secured, because they seldom return.

So i click on an old comment from, this blog, the first posting i think, from Diana (her name is an acronym for 'Anaid', what ever that is?)

So, Diana's in on the 'Game', and i got the Francis Bacon quote yesterday.

I got you these, they're you favourite

I wasn't feeling like writing anything, but now i've got something to say. You made my day Ananid.

Welcome to my world, do you have any advice?

Monday, 7 June 2010

Nostradamus, i am not

Photos are from Melbourne

So, Friday evening at 4pm, I’m wondering what's going to happen, then I got a reminder from the past (the past being the previous night), for the future me and that was me, 'Hello me, meet the real me', it's like I prophesised the whole think and Nostradamus, I am not.

So the reminder says, 'Hogan gallery 6pm' and I remember someone saying there was going to be free drink from 6pm to 6.45pm, so myself and Steward head that way, what was the point of paying city prices and hanging out with city slickers when you could hang out with the hood rats?

John Batman founded Melbourne

How right he was, it's the place to be baby!!!

But first I had to buy a ticket for the tram, and I got change, but first I had to buy something I didn't want, the thing you don’t want is usually chewing gum, the ticket machine on the tram doesn't take notes, so I have coins from the chewing gum purchase and I run to get a tram, all was going to plan, there was some chick hanging on to the ticket machine, for dear life, life is dear alright, and a ticket costs $3.60, but I was going to Smith St, on the 86 tram, the most heavily checked line in Melbourne by the notorious ticket inspectors, only because anyone going that way wouldn't be bothered buying a ticket, then the chick holding the machine up moved.

I was running out of excuses, then I spotted a ticket on the side of the machine, for that date and it was valid, was I the victim of a random act of kindness?
Indeed, I think I was and I deposited the ticket in my pocket, I was all legal now.

Later I get to the Gallery and I spot 2 of my movie buddies from the ABC gallery, Avatar and Miriam, as it turns out Avatar told me about the gallery opening, by the time Waterford Dave got there, I had more deposits made, this time glasses of wine and maybe one withdrawal, but that's another story.

So off myself and Dave go to see this play, his housemates were there, waiting, so we go the correct street, correct street number, wrong suburb. Never get directions from English birds, homing pigeons they are not.

So, we go to the Irish pub in Carlton and watched the staff eat some desert (on the sly, don’t tell the teacher), plenty of drama that wasn't drama and the night played out nicely, got the Yeah Yeha experience, I actually found myself saying 'Yeah, yeah' a lot there, and I thought 'Now I understand' and at 3 am, everything makes sense.

So good, the next night, filled with the inspiration of Osho, 'Only a crazy person does the same thing and expects different results', I head down to unfamiliar territory as the night before, and I pass a laneway, as it turns out, a gallery opening, 'Window 99', it's on 99 Brunswick St, easy enough to remember, eh?

After a few beers, there's word of a gig, the same gig I was going to see, off we go, one big happy family, one crazy guy, with no money, to see a band called the 'Vultures of Venus', very cool indeed, and who do I meet? Avatar from the movie night, it was like we were stalking each other all weekend and why stop there? So after the great gig, we go to Yeah yeah's.

Highlights include, a great soul, classics DJ, upstairs. a very drunk Mick Malloy, local Aussie personality.

And just as we go, I decide to have one more and see what happened, and it did, I meet a chick called Steph at the bar and then her friends whisked her away.

I remember her making a big impression on me, was it in relation to any tax advise, did she have some good advice of Capital gains deductions? Probably not, but she loves 30 Rock and Arrested development, knows about Mia Friedman and Danny Katz.

She knew about the 'St Kilda road' and 'The Bees, the bees' stories, and what kind of chick knows this kind of stuff, I was intrigued.

I did things a bit differently and got different results, maybe I’m not crazy after all. Thank you Osho.

Truth is stranger than my reality

Mark Twain
'Truth is stranger than ficton, after all ficton has to make sense'

'Gawd, women are mad, Cork ones are the worst', myself and Waterford Dave were thinking, going into Gypsy bar on Friday night.
Before I left work, I called Steve from the Gypsy bar, he didn't know anything, about as much as myself either, and he promised he wouldn’t tell anyone, I could see Kathy myself and sorry it out, that was fine.

So in we went to Gypsy bar and I ask for Kathy, I ask Suzie, Suzie says Kathy's not there and to Suzie's recollection, Kathy never said anything to her about any run's in with me, that’s ok, maybe it's just the calm before the storm, was there trouble in paradise, I go on my merry way with Waterford David, I would come back to this one.

I was pretty sure I’d have to do a lot of apologising, maybe grovelling, and not push any more of Kathy's button's, since I’d pressed some 'Mutually Assured Destruction' button and everything had blown up, MAD, isn’t it?

The next day anyways, I’m passing Gypsy bar, I see Kathy, so I call in and ask her what the hell she was shouting at me for? And Kathy starts off telling me she hasn't seen me in 2 weeks, everybody kept asking her why she was shouting at me, which seemed true, it seemed real to me, but I guess I was sick as well, which I was, point of information
(Note to reader, this didn't stop me from drinking 5 glasses of wine and 2 pints of coopers on Thursday night, I apparently bought Steve from Gypsy bar a beer, don't remember that either, signs of old age here folks?)

On Sunday, I see Suzie and I tell her, I think I’ve finally gone MAD, when I have dream's of Kathy shouting at me, which is funny to me, a bit like when my sister shouts at me, nothing to be taken seriously at all, a bit of a laugh, I tell Suzie, 'I might as well go ahead and buy Kathy a house and get it over with', sub concise, what are you trying to tell me? Are you winding me up?

Now that I’ve made a full recovery, I’d like to put it down to all the ginger I consumed, when you can get a Kilo of chopped ginger for $6, the logical thing to do I eat it, and it is good for you too, what will they think of next?

So, this dream might differ from Martin Luther King's dream, and no one got killed, least of all I, so it was all cool and Kathy gave me a beer and we were all best of friends again when we all stopped laughing.

And anyways, Martin Luther King, didn't have his famous 'I have a dream' dream, he go the idea from a mother of some kid who wanted her kit to play with other kids of any color

So, to recap, the dream, it was something about Kathy telling me she didn't care about hurling and me telling her she must already be from Leitrim if she didn't like hurling.
I've already told her she must be from Leitrim, she thought that was funny, funny eh?

Suzie on one side not saying much, Brendan on the other said, 'Ah, come on now Kieran' and he walked out for a smoke and some mad woman in the middle, I assumed it was Kathy, and by assuming this did I make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me', now you've spent the last 4 minutes scratching you head, why don’t you tell me?

Good job I don’t dream very often, it was a good laugh though!

Sunday, 6 June 2010

The Fire Within

Photos are from Melbourne, no more Sydney

So last nights adventure consisted of going to my favourite movie night (oh, I have a few!! But I digress), the movie was The Fire Within by Louis Malle, totally excellent, a black and white from 1963, the score features the music of Erik Satie. holy crap, this was sensational, i remember one of the scenes, the space between teh notes was as great as the notes played, 10 out of 10 to our man Erik!!!

So, Yanush, I think that’s his name and 2 fires going, he asked me if I approved, I told him 'I don’t know if I’m in heaven or hell', it was true too.

When it was all over, everyone said 'Wow, that was amazing', I remember my English Shaman in Bolivia going on about being 'A-mayonased', I once quirted mayonnaise at him too, he didn't get the joke, funny that?

Next week, the movie is by the same director, from the 90's, I can’t wait, we're all systems go for than.

So anyways, I made the journey home, I probably should have gone home after work, but where's the fun in that, eh?
So after 5 glasses of wine, one for the road (oh, it looks like the Feb fast daze are over and now I’m thinking I should give that one the kiss of life, February, you are but a distant memory, multiple entries in my Calender)

So anyways, I went to the Birmingham hotel, they had bands on, I’ve never been before, it seemed logical and it was, you have to try anything once and now since the Tote is closed and student types drink there, no one has mentioned that pub and criminals of recent, I went in.

No, lets do some math, I too out $200 from the ATM in front of the bar, I went in, I was debating whether or not to pay $5 to see the band, it turned out the guy manning the door was also in the next band, he said the next band were amazing, and that might of been the case, but his skills at the sums weren't so hot, he gives me back $65, cool, I knew what I was doing after that.

I was going to invest my newly (short lived) wealth back into the establishment, which I did, 2 pints of coopers, lovely, I was on my way again.

I make it as far as Gypsy, now, if memory serves me, I remember some bits, other bits aren't too clear, do you see what I mean. Now this is what I remember, Suzie is looking at me, somewhat smiling, Brendan is somewhat smiling and Kathy I think is ranting, memory tells me there was a mad woman ranting in the middle, this is what I remember, I swear.

It might have something to do with the hurling, of which she has no interest, so now, my mission, if I choose to accept it is to go on the direction of home at home time and find out what all the ranting was about.

Seems simple enough, eh? It never is, I’d like to welcome ye'all to the Eminem show.

And if you wanted something random, i had a dream the other night, i woke up and i though, that's pretty random, here's what i wrote

This is not a love song

'So you piss so much lately, you must have a massive work load'
(Some chick said to some guy, hanging out by a wall, where people were pissing)
She was dancing with some guy. Ass in his balls

Random or what?
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