So, Friday evening at 4pm, I’m wondering what's going to happen, then I got a reminder from the past (the past being the previous night), for the future me and that was me, 'Hello me, meet the real me', it's like I prophesised the whole think and Nostradamus, I am not.
So the reminder says, 'Hogan gallery 6pm' and I remember someone saying there was going to be free drink from 6pm to 6.45pm, so myself and Steward head that way, what was the point of paying city prices and hanging out with city slickers when you could hang out with the hood rats?
John Batman founded Melbourne

How right he was, it's the place to be baby!!!

But first I had to buy a ticket for the tram, and I got change, but first I had to buy something I didn't want, the thing you don’t want is usually chewing gum, the ticket machine on the tram doesn't take notes, so I have coins from the chewing gum purchase and I run to get a tram, all was going to plan, there was some chick hanging on to the ticket machine, for dear life, life is dear alright, and a ticket costs $3.60, but I was going to Smith St, on the 86 tram, the most heavily checked line in Melbourne by the notorious ticket inspectors, only because anyone going that way wouldn't be bothered buying a ticket, then the chick holding the machine up moved.

I was running out of excuses, then I spotted a ticket on the side of the machine, for that date and it was valid, was I the victim of a random act of kindness?
Indeed, I think I was and I deposited the ticket in my pocket, I was all legal now.
Later I get to the Gallery and I spot 2 of my movie buddies from the ABC gallery, Avatar and Miriam, as it turns out Avatar told me about the gallery opening, by the time Waterford Dave got there, I had more deposits made, this time glasses of wine and maybe one withdrawal, but that's another story.
So off myself and Dave go to see this play, his housemates were there, waiting, so we go the correct street, correct street number, wrong suburb. Never get directions from English birds, homing pigeons they are not.
So, we go to the Irish pub in Carlton and watched the staff eat some desert (on the sly, don’t tell the teacher), plenty of drama that wasn't drama and the night played out nicely, got the Yeah Yeha experience, I actually found myself saying 'Yeah, yeah' a lot there, and I thought 'Now I understand' and at 3 am, everything makes sense.

So good, the next night, filled with the inspiration of Osho, 'Only a crazy person does the same thing and expects different results', I head down to unfamiliar territory as the night before, and I pass a laneway, as it turns out, a gallery opening, 'Window 99', it's on 99 Brunswick St, easy enough to remember, eh?
After a few beers, there's word of a gig, the same gig I was going to see, off we go, one big happy family, one crazy guy, with no money, to see a band called the 'Vultures of Venus', very cool indeed, and who do I meet? Avatar from the movie night, it was like we were stalking each other all weekend and why stop there? So after the great gig, we go to Yeah yeah's.
Highlights include, a great soul, classics DJ, upstairs. a very drunk Mick Malloy, local Aussie personality.
And just as we go, I decide to have one more and see what happened, and it did, I meet a chick called Steph at the bar and then her friends whisked her away.

I remember her making a big impression on me, was it in relation to any tax advise, did she have some good advice of Capital gains deductions? Probably not, but she loves 30 Rock and Arrested development, knows about Mia Friedman and Danny Katz.
She knew about the 'St Kilda road' and 'The Bees, the bees' stories, and what kind of chick knows this kind of stuff, I was intrigued.
I did things a bit differently and got different results, maybe I’m not crazy after all. Thank you Osho.

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