Wednesday, 16 June 2010

First there was the thing and then one thing led to the other.

All photos are from Swantson st (and little Lonsdale st)I eat this food almost every day, i got Matt from work addicted too!!!

So, my mate Drew came to town, I stayed with him in Sydney, he wanted to watch the soccer, we were out last night, with 2 English types, one of them, well he has a problem.
The problem, being, no one will take him seriously [enter Kieran stage left]

Everybody takes me seriously, on paper that is, and then you meet me and then you don’t know what to believe, so I tell him, 'Of course they don’t take you seriously, they think you are a back packer, you have to tell them you have a girlfriend, dog, your buying a house, your sister is here'

So, what I’m trying to say is, I suppose, is, well sorry (something the ex Prime Minister John Howard would never have done that)

Sorry Australia, because of my tutoring, you'll be lumped with another English type. I did hit him up for a drink; he took notes on his phone.

When the student the teacher appears, did I become the teacher? Is this a step in the right direction? Maybe 2 steps forward and 3 backwards?

I know what you’re thinking, were you salsa dancing? Maybe I was, at least it sounds plausible?

So it was a fair exchange, I thought, 1 drink and I solve all your problems.
So Australia, I solved his problems, now he'll be your problem. I just like to help (and drink vodka and cokes, yummy in my tummy), now, I’m goanna put my genes in your tummy

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