My brand-new Roller Derby Name is Killer BootyCall
Created with Rum and Monkey's
So, Saturday I pull myself out of bed, thank you bouncer for your 4am rejection, I have never been so happy to be rejected and I pull myself together and make my way to Albert park to see Erica's new play, but first I have to meet my friend Zoe, the pommy, Albert Park to her is the reserve, to everyone else it's the Deli's and shops, take 2, I cycle to meet her by the sea, how hard could it be?
So, I forgotten how serious it can be on bicycle lanes, some people take life a little too serious anyways we get there.
2 Kierans

So, I we go, there's a chick howling, this goes on for 15 minutes, it builds up, starts to get piercing, my god, I try and put my fingers in my ears, a fine way to say hello to someone you haven’t seen in 3 years, there's a build up, if she was a DJ, it would have been cool, rhythm culture, I’m all about the music, but, instead, my world is falling apart, at one point I’m seriously wondering if anyone would mind if I say 'For fucks sake Erica, enough of that, and get on with it', the play moves along and somehow I feel like I’m watching something like 'Twin Peaks' or 'Mulholland drive' and I like it, it is good, what is it?
So I make my way home, on the footpaths and send my house mate a text with the offer of dinner, bought by me, free of charge. No response. This is what love does to people
And it was funny, I was coming back, on back streets and footpaths and I remembered meeting a chick from South Melbourne last night and she said 'South Melbourne has lots of apartments and brothels' and it was true, there was one in an Industrial park. So home wards I went, the text I sent was not replied to, but I had to go for a steak sandwich.

So I went to the back beer garden and started talking to a fellow called Duncan, he won some award for poetry and was on the piss all day to prove it.
Now, Duncan also told me he took mushrooms and went swimming in Kerry, he said he felt like he was under water for hours, I like
Then, it was home to shape up, find the Kaftan and go to the Roller Derby ball and let me tell you about the ride home.
I shared a taxi back, we pulled up to the lights, Siam, tells the drunk guy trying to hail a taxi to get in, we're going one block, he can have a lift, then we end up giving him money to get home, I said, 'your Fitzroyalty, now', truth is, he was going to Holden St, I used to live there, I recognise it as North Fitzroy, most wouldn't, I think it was his lucky night, his response was 'You'll do that for me', he was very surprised, no one else would have stopped, we all knew that, even the taxi driver, and he was looking a bit perplexed.
It was all good and we rock!!

I woke up, someone left their red jacket in my place, little red riding hood, if your out there, I look really pretty in red, thank you.
I watched 30 Rock all day, then Arrested development all day, made my favourite fast food, 2 minute noodles, with 2 eggs and anything else I happened to find, spicy, yummie!!!
Tried to sleep, and went out, when everybody (with a brain) else was going home, only to watch Cork beat Tipperary, with such class, only coz it's about the only thing that makes me feel
alive and we won, it was great to see, pure class.
This morning I had Happy Mondays ready to play on my MP3 player, didn't listen to them, but all has gone well, so far.
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