Contact and Guest posting

Guest posting's are popular now with bloggers, if what i read on the internet, why not contribute on other blogs too?

As Oscar Wilde said:
 'I believe in anything as long as it's ridiculous'
Me too, here's the idea folks if you would like me to write for you and maybe you would like to post on The long acre, send me a mail and i will try to get back to you by the end of the week

I can be contacted on:
Mail: e-mail
Facebook: The long acre 
Looking forward to hearing from you !


Janet said...

Hey Kieran!

What's craicing?

I've an odd request for you! I have just updated the domain for my travel blog, it used to be and now it is

I can see that you link to me on your blog (thanks for that!!) and I was wondering if you could very kindly update the link!

Thank you so much for your time and happy travels! x

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